Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I can't believe that it has been a week since Christmas, and that it is January 1, 2009! We pray that for each one of you, this New Year will be Blessed!

It is also hard to believe that we are going into Day 5 of -40 to -60F Temperatures!! Usually this is February weather! It is -54F right now, at our house! We are living in our loft bedroom, as it is the warmest place in the house! You know, hot air rises. This is the part of Alaskan winters that I do NOT like!! But, it is like marriage, you take the not so good with the good, right?! It is hard to believe that we have lived in Alaska 17 and a half years! And the frigid cold is still hard for me! But, it has been a special time also, to spend time with Denali and do special things, like have cocoa and sugar cookies, while watching a movie; eating in our room, which we normally would not do, and play games!

We are excited to have Ed home for four days, until he goes back to work on Monday! It would be complete if Wesley were home, but he is housesitting. It is too cold to go get him right now! This will be the first New Year that he hasn't been with us. Guess we better get used to it, as he will be going off to Tennessee to college this fall.

Well, enough for now. I will try to upload some Christmas photos, but have had trouble doing that-probably because we are on dial up.

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